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Showing posts from July, 2019

7 Things You Need to Know Before You Wax:

We all want silky smooth, soft skin, but who can be bothered shaving every day? Waxing is a great hair removal alternative that keeps the skin hair free for up to four weeks! But waxing can be a real maze if you’re new to it. Like, what’s the best wax for hair removal ? Hot wax, warm wax, hard wax, strip wax, cold wax, liquid wax … the list seems to be endless and how do you choose the best at home wax for your needs? And what about the pain that might come with it? Can you even wax if you have sensitive skin? In this blog, we’d like to help break it down for you, so you can decide if waxing can be your new hair removal go-to! 1. First of all, there are basically 2 types of wax for hair removal available for you as an at-home waxer: hard wax and strip wax . Hot wax and warm wax are just different names for hard wax and liquid wax is just strip wax. Strip wax is used for waxing large areas, like legs or arms. You apply it in a thin layer and remove it with a wax strip or it com